Smudging for Purification & Healing
Smudging is an ancient Native American practice of spiritual cleansing and blessing. It is a very simple and effective method of clearing a space, object, or physical body of stagnant energies, and replacing it with a lively vibrancy. Use the Mystic Goddess Blessings Kit to purify, heal, and bless people or places. Includes descriptions of each item and their purpose, as well as detailed instructions for use.
All raw crystal stones were charged under a full moon. All Blessings Kits have been
smudged and cleansed for you so they are positively charged with the best intentions!
Bundle of White California Sage | Palo Santo Stick | Organic Pink Himalayan Salt | All Natural Beeswax Tea Light Candle | White Feather | Red Abalone Shell | Raw Crystal Stones | Count Your Blessings Coin | Positive Affirmation Card | Instruction Booklet
Purchase + Pick Up Only $44

Purchase + S/H $50